

sec1 scan [<OPTIONS>]


The sec1 scan scans your scm repository, file, binaries and share foss vulnerabilities.

If no option provided then it scans current directory for supported manifest.

Supported manifest by Sec1 CLI : 'pom.xml', 'package.json', 'requirements.txt', 'package-lock.json', 'package.lock.json', 'yarn.lock', 'gradle.lockfile', 'pnpm-lock.yaml', 'pipfile.lock', '.pom'


Use the --debug option to output the debug logs.


--scmurl <url>

SCM url to scan. Currently only github is supported

--accessToken <base64EncodedAccessToken>

If you want to scan private repository then accessToken in mandatory.

It must be Base64 encoded in the form of username:pat. Here PAT is your personal access token.

Note: You can set accessToken in config by using sec1 config --accessToken=<base64EncodedAccessToken>. By doing this you dont have to pass it in command line.

If accessToken is passed in command line then it will overwrite value stored in config.

-s, --system <type>

type represents system initianting a scan (default: "cli")

Allowed Values: gitaction/cli

-th, --threshold <severity-values...>

Optional. You can specify threshold values for each severity. Ex. critical=1 medium=5 high=10 low=50

Its only application if scan is triggered from gitaction

-f, --file <file>

Specify the file to scan.

Last updated