Auto Fix

Effortlessly enhance the security of your Java repositories with the Auto Fix feature. Utilize the following steps to apply automatic fixes to identified vulnerabilities:

Initiate Auto Fix

Access Auto Fix

Navigate to the main dashboard and click on Apply Auto Fix or access the Apply Auto Fix option within the Advanced Dashboard.

Note: Please note that Apply Auto Fix is currently available for Java Repos.

Review Auto Fix Suggestions

Upon selecting "Apply Auto Fix," you'll be directed to the Auto Fix page. Here, you'll find a list of packages that can be automatically fixed and those that require manual intervention.

Apply Auto Fix

Choose to apply the Auto Fix by clicking on Apply Auto Fix for {xxx} vulnerabilities.

Upon clicking "Apply Auto Fix," the system will generate a Pull Request (PR) containing the fixes. After verification, you need to merge the PR to implement the fixes.

Learn More

You can get more details about auto fix at

Last updated