Unsanitized user input in XML parsing method


  • Rule ID: javascript_express_xml_external_entity_vulnerability

  • Applicable Languages: Javascript

  • Weakness ID: CWE-611


Unsanitized user input in XML parsing can lead to XML External Entity (XXE) injection. This vulnerability occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by an XML parser. The external entity can reference a file URI or network resource, potentially allowing an attacker to access sensitive data or interact with internal systems.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Do not parse XML input containing untrusted data without proper sanitization. External entities within the XML should be treated with caution.

    var libxml = require("libxmljs");
    libxml.parseXmlString(xml, { noent: false, noblanks: true });
  • Do not enable the parsing of external entities in XML parsers. Ensure the noent option is set to false to prevent XXE attacks.



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