Unsanitized User input in OS command


  • Rule ID: javascript_lang_os_command_injection

  • Applicable Languages: Javascript

  • Weakness ID: CWE-78


Executing operating system commands with unsanitized user input can lead to command injection vulnerabilities. This happens when attackers exploit the input to run unauthorized commands, potentially gaining control over the system.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Do not directly incorporate user input into OS command execution. This can make the system vulnerable to command injection attacks.

  • Do use static or predefined values for command parameters whenever possible. This helps reduce the risk of injection and ensures the command operates within expected limits.

    let filePattern = "*.js"
    if (req.params.graphql) {
      filePattern = "*.gql"
    cp.exec(`cp ${filePattern} foo`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {});
  • Do validate and sanitize all user input used in OS commands. Ensure that the input is free from malicious characters or command sequences.



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