Usage of hard-coded database password


  • Rule ID: java_lang_hardcoded_database_password

  • Applicable Languages: Java

  • Weakness ID: CWE-259


Hard-coding database passwords presents a substantial security threat. Including passwords directly in your code increases the risk of unauthorized database access if the codebase is compromised.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Avoid embedding database passwords directly in your code, as this practice is insecure and exposes your database to potential unauthorized access. For example, using code like:

    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "admin", "secret");
  • Instead, use environment variables to store sensitive information such as database passwords. This method keeps credentials out of your codebase, making them easier to manage securely.

  • Do consider implementing a key-management system to securely handle passwords and other sensitive information, providing enhanced security measures for managing and accessing credentials.



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