Unsanitized user input in 'eval' type function


  • Rule ID: javascript_lang_eval_user_input

  • Applicable Languages: Javascript

  • Weakness ID: CWE-95


Allowing user input to directly influence the behavior of eval and similar functions like setTimeout poses a significant security risk, potentially leading to remote code execution attacks. This vulnerability arises from the dynamic execution of code, which can be maliciously crafted by an attacker.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Do not use eval or similar code execution functions directly with user input. This approach can make your application vulnerable to attacks.

    eval(userInput); // unsafe
  • Do use static, hardcoded values when working with dynamic code execution methods. This ensures that only predefined operations are performed, reducing the risk of executing malicious code.

    let myFunc = "(a, b) => a + b";
    if (req.params["single_item"]) {
      myFunc = "(a) => a";
  • Do consider using compiled functions instead of dynamically compiling code with user input. This practice allows for safer execution of dynamic operations by predefining the code to be executed.

  • Do enable JavaScript's strict mode in your code. This mode helps catch common coding mistakes, prevents unsafe actions, and limits features that can make your code more secure.

    'use strict';



To omit this rule

Last updated