Leakage of Sensitive Information in Exception Messages


  • Rule ID: java_lang_information_leakage

  • Applicable Languages: Java

  • Weakness ID: CWE-209


Exception messages that expose sensitive information can be a critical security vulnerability. When exception details are printed directly to the default output, they might reveal crucial information about the application’s configuration or environment, such as file paths, server details, or database configurations. This not only aids attackers in identifying potential entry points but also risks exposing user-specific data, leading to privacy violations.


  • Security Risks: Revealing system information can aid attackers in crafting more effective attacks, such as path traversal.

  • Privacy Risks: User-specific information in exception messages can lead to serious privacy breaches.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Avoid Printing Stack Traces: Refrain from printing full stack traces to the console or logs that are accessible to users.

    // Avoid this approach
    System.out.println(e); // Unsafe
  • Provide General Error Messages: Ensure that error messages are generic and do not include sensitive information.

    // Use this approach
    System.out.println("An error occurred. Please try again.");



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