Unsanitized dynamic input in file path


  • Rule ID: javascript_lang_non_literal_fs_filename

  • Applicable Languages: Javascript

  • Weakness ID: CWE-73


Permitting unsanitized dynamic input in file paths can result in unauthorized access to files and folders. This vulnerability occurs when dynamic data is used in file system operations, potentially enabling attackers to gain access to restricted or hidden files and folders.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Ensure that all dynamic data and function arguments are sanitized before using them in file system operations. This is essential to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Use a combination of hard-coded string literals and control logic rather than directly passing dynamic data or function arguments to file system functions. This approach enhances safety.

    function write(filename) {
      switch(filename) {
        case "hello.txt":
         // Add more cases as necessary



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