Permissive Access-Control-Allow-Origin configuration


  • Rule ID: java_lang_permissive_allow_origin

  • Applicable Languages: Java

  • Weakness ID: CWE-942


A liberal Access-Control-Allow-Origin configuration can pose security risks to your application. Setting this header to "*" allows any website to access your application's responses, potentially resulting in unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Avoid setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to "*". This excessively permissive configuration can expose your application to potential attacks.

    response.addHeader("access-control-allow-origin", "*"); // unsafe
  • Limit the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to permit only specific, trusted origins that require access to your application. This approach reduces the likelihood of exposing sensitive data.

    response.addHeader("access-control-allow-origin", "");



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