Unsanitized User Input in File Path


  • Rule ID: java_lang_path_using_user_input

  • Applicable Languages: Java

  • Weakness ID: CWE-73


Unsanitized user input in file path resolution can lead to security vulnerabilities. This issue arises when an application directly uses input from the user to determine file paths or names without proper validation or sanitization. Attackers can exploit this to access unauthorized files or directories, leading to data breaches or other security compromises.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Avoid incorporating user input directly into file paths without proper sanitization, as this practice can enable attackers to manipulate file paths and potentially access unauthorized files.

  • Instead, employ a safelist to specify permissible paths or directories. Limit user input to influence file paths only within these predefined, secure boundaries.

  • Ensure to sanitize user input used in file path resolution. For instance, utilize methods like FilenameUtils.getName() to safely extract the intended file name from user input, thereby mitigating any attempts at path manipulation.

    public class Cls extends HttpServlet
          public void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
              String image = request.getParameter("user_profile_picture");
              File file = new File("user/profile/" + FilenameUtils.getName(image));



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