Unsanitized user input in Access-Control-Allow-Origin


  • Rule ID: java_lang_insecure_allow_origin

  • Applicable Languages: Java

  • Weakness ID: CWE-346


Setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with unverified user-defined input can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data. This vulnerability exposes your application to security risks, as attackers can specify origins that gain access to resources.

Remediation Guidelines

  • Avoid using user input to specify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header without proper validation. This practice can unintentionally provide access to sensitive information.

  • If it's essential to use user input for defining origins, ensure thorough validation to confirm the input comes from a trusted source.

  • Implement a safelist approach when specifying origins. Limit access to your resources to only known and trusted domains.



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Last updated